Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Writing Starter #58

Tim: Well? Do something.

Oliver: What do you mean? Like, open it?

Tim: Sure.

Oliver: What if there's something inside?

Tim: Isn't that kind of the point of opening it?

Oliver: No, I mean, something dangerous.

Tim: Like what?

Oliver: I don't know, a bomb? A gun? Bees that have been uncomfortably condensed into a box and aren't very happy about it?

Tim: I feel like we'd be able to hear bees.

Oliver: Well, still, you see my point.

Tim: Here, I'll open it.

Tim opens the box and stares inside

Oliver: What's inside?

Tim:''s a note.

Oliver: What does it say?

Tim: It says... "remember, he led you here."

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