Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Writing Starter #55

Scene: A teacher's room in the middle of the day, a pouting, bored high school student named Chris sits back in his chair away from his lunch while the strict Mr. Ferrell eats his sandwich.

Chris: I bet you think I'm enjoying this.  I'm not!

Mr. Ferrell: Now, why would I ever think you would enjoy this?

Chris: Huh?

Mr. Ferrell: Look, it's no secret you don't like me, and I'm sure if you had the choice you would much rather be in the lunchroom with all of your friends right now.

Chris: But... I bet you think that any student would be lucky to get one-on-one time with you... ya know, because you have such a huge ego.

Mr. Ferrell: chuckling, I'm sure you get enough of me in class every day.

Chris: Well... ya I do! Too much!  But how do you even know that?!

Mr. Ferrell: How do I know that? How do I know that after screaming at you for half a period every day for not doing your homework, and then staring you down the rest to try to get you to start on that night's, that you're not exactly aching to spend more time with me?

Chris: So... you know you're a jerk?

Mr. Ferrell: I'm not a jerk, Chris.  Look, I know from your perspective it comes off like that, but I try to help my kids out.  In an ideal world we could be best friends and you would turn in your homework everyday and every problem would be done correctly.  But if you have to hate me in order for me to be able to teach you anything, I'll gladly sacrifice the friendship.

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