Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Writing Starter #56

Me: Look, I know there are a lot of factors to consider, but the one movie that satisfies every need in a good movie is Forrest Gump.

Dave: What?! You've got to be kidding.

Me: It's a great movie!

Dave: It's a quotable feel-good nostalgia fest.  

Me: Well I didn't even get the nostalgia because I wasn't alive for any of that anyway, and I still loved it.

Dave: I can't even believe we're having this discussion.  It is the godfather.  End of discussion.

Me: Any reasons to back that up?

Dave: Sure, it's the greatest movie ever made.

Me: That's not a reason, that's the argument!!!

Patrick: Guys, I'm pretty sure it's Argo.

Me: No no no, you're not doing this again.  First it was Slumdog Millionaire.  Then The Hurt Locker.  Now Argo.  You can't just pick the best picture winner and call it the best movie ever made.

Patrick: But Argo was so good!

Me: And what happened to Slumdog Millionaire.

Patrick: It didn't even get nominated this year, not good anymore.

Dave: Don't bother, he's hopeless.

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