Friday, May 10, 2013

Children's Story

Marvin the monkey was walking down the street, on his way back from fetching the water for the rest of his tribe.

Marvin: "It's getting late, I better hurry!"

Just then, a rather sinister looking snake popped out in front of Marvin's face and startled him.

Snake: "Hey Maaaarvin.  Where are you going in such a hurry? Come join us!"

Marvin: "Oh no, they've taught me about snakes.  Don't think you can trick me! I'm getting back to my village!"

Marvin continues to run, but is stopped when he hears a mighty roar, and sees a Tiger emerge from the bushes.

Tiger: "Please, don't listen to the snake.  The truth is, we're having a party back here, and you should come join us."

Marvin: "I'm really sorry, but I have to get back to my tribe soon, or they will be very upset with me."

As Marvin ran towards his tribe, and looked back to see if perhaps the snake was following him, he thudded into a sloth, dangling from a branch.

Sloth: "Those two scared you didn't they.  Don't worry, we really are very friendly and have a lot of fun.  Come join us!"

Marvin: "You were at the same party as those two?"

Sloth: "Of course I was! Everyone in the jungle is there.  Really, you must join us!"

Marvin: "Look, I really wish I could, but I have to get back to my village before it's dark.  Sorry!"

Marvin ran off, determined to get back to his village before the sun was down, when he noticed an animal perched about twenty feet in front of him.  When he approached it, he realized it was one of the wise old owls.

Owl: "Hello Marvin.  It has come to my attention that you haven't listened to any of my messengers."

Marvin: "Oh, no, it isn't that! You see I just really need to get back to my tribe."

Owl: "I think they would understand if they heard that an owl required you presence.  No please, Marvin, join us."

Marvin: "Alright, I guess, just for a little."

Owl: "We're all over this way."

And the owl flew off into the brush.  Marvin ran after him, shouting, looking for everyone.  It was getting dark, and he didn't like to be alone.  He felt a tap on his shoulder, and whipped around to find the snake from earlier in his trip.

Marvin: "It's you! Where are all of the others?"

Snake: "I am all of the other's Marvin.  I've lured all of those animals into this trap, just like you, so that I can devour them, and then become them.  And you're about to be next!"

The snake coiled up with the end of his tail waving in the air, mesmerizing Marvin.  He was about to pounce and bite Marvin, but Marvin soon realized the snake's tail was within reach.  He grabbed it, and pulled it into the snake's mouth just as the snake was about to clamp down, causing him to bite his own tail.  As it happened, all of the spirits were released from the snake's body and they materialized around him.

Marvin walked back to his tribe and was soon greeted by very angry village leaders, as well as his parents.  But as they began to scold him, an owl flew in, and explained to them how Marvin had saved nearly half the jungle from the evil snake that was capturing their souls, and was considered a hero.

The tribe leaders considered this and decided to throw Marvin a real party, where everyone in the jungle was invited, but they only had to go if they wanted to.

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