Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Writing Starter #43

My first thought is to have fun with it without drawing any suspicion.  If I'm going to decide to end world hunger or take over the world, that can all come later after some well thought out decisions.  But right now, at least I can enjoy it.  I decide to go to the zoo, it's the first place that comes to mind where I would be able to take advantage of something like this.  I start with the penguins, and make them start fighting each other, to everyone else's astonishment, until the zookeepers break it up.  Next I make a elephant shoot out dirty water from it's trunk all over a very nicely dressed woman who clearly doesn't want to be there.  Lastly, after feeling quite powerful, as I walk by the ostrich cage, I realize I have a considerable amount of authority with this wand.  I had always disliked ostriches, they simply frightened me.  With a flick of the wand I decided to completely rid the world of ostriches, then I head home.

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