Thursday, April 18, 2013


In an abandoned laboratory slaved a chemist
Surrounded by a sea of lush green
His life's prize so extremely delicate
To wipe away the thought of royalty
They would burn down the propaganda
And evil would reside in isolation

He worked in complete and utter isolation
A lonely, but very hopeful chemist
He enjoyed his freedom from propaganda
Where he could reside in a world bright green
The forest here was royalty
And he slept in its clutch, ever so delicate

His formula couldn't be more delicate
The slightest twitch, he would die in isolation
And the world would live in the tyranny of royalty
He was indeed the most skilled chemist
And had a passion for anything green
He felt himself under the spell of its propaganda

The world needed to be freed from this propaganda
So powerful, yet so extremely delicate
For when attacked by a virus of bright green
Created in the forgotten world in isolation
By an old, angry, and bitter chemist
To seek revenge against the ones sustaining royalty

They sit upon their thrones, an ignorant royalty
Their identities littered among propaganda
Shoved in the face of a talented chemist
Whose tipping point was all too delicate
He fled to a world of isolation
To spread to the world a sea of green

The globe, soon, will only be green
No peasants, no knights, no royalty
Everywhere to go would become isolation
Without a virus of propaganda
The world will flourish powerfully, no longer so delicate
At the hand of a love lost by a chemist

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