Tuesday, January 29, 2013

EE Cummings writing starter

The book Ender's Game along with its sequel Speaker for the Dead which I have read and Xenocide which I am in the middle of, all by Orson Scott Card, speak to me in a way no other book has.  These books take place in another world with other forms of life.   Because of the specific and unique situations presented by this universe, different philosophical questions are asked, questions that no one has to or tries to answer in our world.  Ender's Game deals with how the human race could possibly deal with another form of intelligent life that we are completely unable to communicate with or understand, and how the inevitable fate must be for one to be destroyed.  Speaker for the Dead asks how two very different intelligent forms of life could interact when they are capable of communication, but one is much more technologically advanced, and the life cycle and values of these two species are so different.  About five chapters into Xenocide I am beginning to see the central themes that are building, one of which seems to be the validity of a species, and how it is defined.  When I think I about these different perspectives to very complicated questions, it makes me feel very differently about questions that I have to ask everyday, and allows me to ask new questions that I would have never thought of before.

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